Bike Lanes Don’t Cause Congestion

Despite claims that cycle added dur­ing the pan­dem­ic con­tributed to an increase in Lon­don’s traf­fic con­ges­tion, research shows the ’s traf­fic was large­ly the same in 2021 as in 2019, the bike lanes were installed. David Metz reports that cycle lanes actu­al­ly reduce the of trips tak­en by car, which could dimin­ish con­ges­tion as well. Thanks in part to aggres­sive mea­sures tak­en by the city to dis­cour­age car trips, the use of pri­vate in Lon­don fell from 48 per­cent to 37 per­cent between 2000 and 2019.

“It’s impor­tant to note that cre­at­ing cycle lanes reduces the space avail­able for cars but does not nec­es­sar­i­ly get peo­ple out of cars. Copen­hagen is a city famous for cycling, 28 per­cent of jour­neys made by bike. Yet car traf­fic is only slight­ly less than in Lon­don.” Mean­while, res­i­dents of Copen­hagen take only half as many pub­lic tran­sit trips as Lon­don­ers. In fact, “there are no major cities with lev­els of both cycling and pub­lic trans­port. ” 

With rev­enues from pub­lic tran­sit rid­er­ship dras­ti­cal­ly reduced by the pan­dem­ic, Metz writes, it is in cycling infra­struc­ture that would “ the most sense for reduc­ing car use in Lon­don.”

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