
What is spam?

In the con­text of elec­tron­ic mes­sag­ing, spam refers to unso­licit­ed, bulk or indis­crim­i­nate mes­sages, typ­i­cal­ly sent for a com­mer­cial pur­pose.

JoblyJobs has a zero-tol­er­ance spam pol­i­cy.

Auto­mat­ed spam fil­ter­ing’s mes­sag­ing sys­tems auto­mat­i­cal­ly scan all incom­ing email mes­sages, and fil­ter out mes­sages that appear to be spam.

Prob­lems with spam fil­ter­ing

No mes­sage fil­ter­ing sys­tem is 100% accu­rate, and from time to time legit­i­mate mes­sages will be fil­tered-out by’s sys­tems.

If you believe this has hap­pened to a mes­sage you have sent, please advise the mes­sage recip­i­ent by anoth­er means.

You can reduce the risk of a mes­sage being caught by the spam fil­ters by send­ing the mes­sage in plain text (i.e. no HTML), remov­ing any attach­ments, and ensur­ing that your mes­sages are scanned for mal­ware before dis­patch.

Receipt of unwant­ed mes­sages from

In the unlike­ly event that you receive any mes­sage from or sent using’s sys­tems that may be con­sid­ered to be spam, please con­tact using the details below and the mat­ter will be inves­ti­gat­ed.]

Changes to this anti-spam pol­i­cy may amend this anti-spam pol­i­cy at any time by pub­lish­ing a new ver­sion on this web­site.