We are a startup that is shaking up the online job market. We believe in making job search easier and faster for both job seekers and businesses. We are your one stop shop when it comes to finding the right talent for your organisation. We also provide complete recruitment solutions and outsourced HR services. So whether you are a small business or a big corporation, we can help you find the best talent out there.
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- 187,432 Active Resumes
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Multi Platform Search
Access to curatÂed opporÂtuÂniÂties for senior, interÂmeÂdiÂate and junior levÂel proÂfesÂsionÂals from over 23,214 sources.
Resource Networking
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Market Analysis
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Team Building
We don’t just get you the resource you need, we also help you build your team. ConÂtact us for more.
Permanent Staffing
ProÂvide matchÂing staffing plans for all orgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal sizes, from start-ups to mulÂti-nationÂals lookÂing to overÂhaul their skilled resources.
Quick Support
Our award winÂning cusÂtomer hapÂpiÂness team is availÂable for your supÂport 24/7, and will promptÂly resolve any issue.