Phoenix Approves Speed Limit Reductions

Phoenix approved changes to speed lim­its on 15 streets as of the ’s Zero effort, reports Kevin Stone for KTAR News. The city will low­er speed lim­its by 5 miles per hour to improve safe­ty. “The Phoenix Street Trans­porta­tion post­ed speed lim­its twice a year and rec­om­mends changes it deems nec­es­sary.”

“Of the lat­est changes, 12 are to road and traf­fic con­di­tions and are for record keep­ing where the post­ed lim­its did­n’t the cur­rent .” The pri­or speed lim­its on the select­ed seg­ments ranged 35 to 50 miles per hour.

See the source arti­cle for a list of the affect­ed seg­ments and the rea­sons for the speed lim­it reduc­tions.

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