Proposed Pool Would Make an Olympic-Sized Play Area in the San Francisco Bay

A bill under con­sid­er­a­tion by the State Leg­is­la­ture would autho­rize con­struc­tion of a heat­ed, Olympic-sized pool in the Bay.

In an for the Mer­cury News, Maris­sa Kendall reports that the bill is nec­es­sary because the state owns the of the pool—Piers 30–32.

The project would replace two con­nect­ed, dilap­i­dat­ed piers cur­rent­ly used as park­ing. One pier would be rebuilt and con­vert­ed into 375,000 square feet of offices and 45,000 square feet of space. The oth­er would become the pool, which would float on a barge, and would include space for lap , water polo games and loung­ing in a hot tub. A sec­tion of the Bay sur­round­ing the pool would be ded­i­cat­ed to open water swim­ming, kayak­ing and pad­dle board­ing.

Tram­mell Crow Com­pa­ny, the project devel­op­er, is also propos­ing a 725-unit apart­ment tow­er across the street.

State Sen­a­tor Scott Wiener, (D‑San Fran­cis­co) authored the bill, Sen­ate Bill 273. Sen. Wiener is more famil­iar to Plan­e­ti­zen read­ers as one of the pri­ma­ry forces of the pro-devel­op­ment agen­da that has gained trac­tion in the state in recent years.

“Past attempts to revi­tal­ize the piers have fiz­zled — includ­ing ideas to turn them into an are­na for the Gold­en State War­riors, a George Lucas muse­um and a cruise ter­mi­nal,” notes Kendall. Wiener belies the pro­pos­al will suc­ceed because of its inten­tions to pre­serve the piers, which pre­vi­ous devel­op­ment pro­pos­als did not include.

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