Viral Twitter Thread Featuring Hrithik Roshan Perfectly Depicts An Employee’s Life Cycle

Viral twitter thread featuring hrithik roshan perfectly depicts an employee's life cycle. (image: twitter/@sagarcasm)

Viral Twit­ter Thread Hrithik Roshan An Employ­ee’s Life Cycle. (Image: Twitter/@sagarcasm)

The images are of Hrithik Roshan from several movies including Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, Lakshay, and many more.

days you find many relat­able memes on many social media plat­forms. Now, a Twit­ter thread is cur­rent­ly going viral fea­tures images of Bol­ly­wood actor Hrithik Roshan depict­ing an employ­ee life cycle. Twit­ter user Sagar shared cer­tain images and cap­tioned them as, “Employ­ee Life Cycle Memes ft. Hrithik Roshan (A thread).” The images are of Hrithik Roshan from sev­er­al movies includ­ing Zinda­gi Na Mile­gi Dobara, Lak­shay, and many more. There are also images of him from var­i­ous events.

The var­i­ous stages of the Twit­ter thread are: “Going for the first job inter­view,” “When you get the job,” “Com­plet­ing hard work,” “Attend­ing work calls on week­end,” “Appre­ci­at­ing HR’s Ran­goli before appraisal,” “When you work your ass off and get 3% appraisal,” “Boss read­ing your res­ig­na­tion ,” “Man­ag­er forc­ing you to com­plete all pend­ing projects dur­ing notice peri­od,” “When you quit your job and don’t get anoth­er job for 6 months.” Here is the viral Twit­ter thread:

The thread is relat­able for many and many added to the thread. Have a look at respons­es:

Mean­while, ear­li­er, a Twit­ter user named Rishh recent­ly shared a still from the movie Zinda­gi Na Mile­gi Dobara, in which Arjun stops the car dur­ing a road trip with his friends Kabir and Imran to have an online meet­ing with a Japan­ese con­tact. Many peo­ple res­onat­ed with Arjun’s behav­iour, not just for his “men­tal­ly the sick” nature, but for var­i­ous oth­er rea­sons. As much as they flood­ed the com­ment with reac­tions and answers, dis­cussing why more and more of them are begin­ning to iden­ti­fy with Arjun’s way of .

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