‘Interview Expert’ Tells What You Should Lie About In Job Interview

A coach went viral after she revealed the top five things a per­son should lie about dur­ing a job inter­view.

Tik­Tok user Anna Papalia (@anna..papalia) main­ly posts con­tent about career advice. She shared the video with her 124,000 fol­low­ers on Jan. 6. With­in 24 hours, the video received 991,000 views.

“You asked for it. Here are five things that you can and should lie about in the inter­view ,” Papalia said to start the video.

Com­ing in at num­ber five, Papalia said prospec­tive employ­ees should “lie about where you see your­self in five years.” Accord­ing to her, no employ­er wants to hear you say that you see your­self “in grad school or get­ting mar­ried and hav­ing babies.” Employ­ers want to hear you say that you see your­self “here, at this orga­ni­za­tion.”

Num­ber four is to “lie about why you’re look­ing” for a job. Papalia said employ­ers don’t want to hear that you “hate the cul­ture of cur­rent com­pa­ny.” Instead, they want to hear how you’ve “out­grown” your cur­rent posi­tion and are seek­ing “a new chal­lenge.”

Lying about your true feel­ings for your boss and co-work­ers takes the third spot.

“I don’t if you work for the worst, most micro­managy boss in the world,” Papalia said. “We don’t want to hear you talk about that in an inter­view, espe­cial­ly if you’re being inter­viewed by some­one who might be your prospec­tive boss.”

Papali­a’s num­ber two sug­ges­tion is for job seek­ers to lie about their hob­bies. She plead­ed with peo­ple to pick hob­bies that sound “pro­fes­sion­al and inter­est­ing” because recruiters don’t want to hear that “all you do out­side of work is watch Net­flix.”

Last but not least, Papalia said you could “embell­ish” your job descrip­tion and title. She espe­cial­ly rec­om­mends this if you have been “ above and beyond your job descrip­tion, and you haven’t been get­ting paid for it.”

In the com­ments sec­tion, many view­ers cri­tiqued the fact that lying is such an expect­ed part of the process.

“Hon­est­ly if I have to lie to get a job, that’s the wrong place, wrong peo­ple, wrong moment, wrong sys­tem, ALL [WRONG]!” one view­er wrote.

“Hav­ing to lie like this just teach­es u how sick cor­po­rate jobs are but its true,” a com­ment­ed.

“Cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca is absolute­ly insuf­fer­able,” anoth­er stat­ed.

Sev­er­al ques­tioned why inter­view­ers inquire about a ’s hob­bies.

“If you don’t want to know what my actu­al hob­bies are then why ask the ques­tion?” one user asked.

“Why do you ask these kind of ques­tions? Espe­cial­ly about my hob­bies why?” a sec­ond echoed.

“Why does it mat­ter what my hob­by’s are? If I per­form good at my job then it should­n’t mat­ter if I nap at home,” anoth­er wrote.

In response to such ques­tions, Papalia com­ment­ed that employ­ers ask about hob­bies “To get to know you , to see if we like you, if you’ll be a good fit at the com­pa­ny etc etc.”

Oth­er view­ers shared of the lies they told in job inter­views.

“I lie about hav­ing kids and hav­ing all 4 grand­par­ents alive,” one view­er com­ment­ed.

“I said one time that ‘I want the chal­lenge’ and she laughed at me and said ‘You’re here because you need the mon­ey,’” a sec­ond wrote.

“I lied about work­ing under pres­sure, got the job, and I had to quit in a week,” anoth­er shared.

The Dai­ly Dot reached out to Anna Papalia via email and Tik­Tok com­ment.


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*First Pub­lished: Feb 7, 2023, 6:33 pm CST

Melody Heald

Melody Heald is a cul­ture writer. Her work can be found in Glit­ter Mag­a­zine, BUST Mag­a­zine, and more.

Melody heald

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