City Requiring Permits for Twitter’s Dystopian Office Bedrooms

“Ear­li­er this week build­ing inspec­tors Twit­ter’s com­pa­ny that it had two weeks to sub­mit a build­ing per­mit that allows for the exist­ing con­fer­ence room sleep­ers,” writes Audrey Wachs in The Archi­tec­t’s News­pa­per. Whether should be encour­aged to sleep at is anoth­er ques­tion.

The makeshift bed­rooms appeared on social media in Decem­ber, when employ­ees post­ed pho­tos of them. After Forbes pub­lished an arti­cle val­i­dat­ing what at first seemed a bad joke, city inspec­tors descend­ed on the com­pa­ny. “In order to get the new­ly- per­mits, Twit­ter’s con­trac­tor has to send over revised floor plans that depict the new bed­rooms.”

Accord­ing to Wachs, “The Decem­ber pic­tures a sleep­ing quar­ter with a queen bed, a night­stand, and two arm­chairs atop bright orange car­pets.” Accord­ing to one , the sleep­ing quar­ters are “[not a good look. It’s yet anoth­er unspo­ken sign of dis­re­spect. There is no dis­cus­sion. Just like, beds showed up.”

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