it’s revenue time! – Job Board Doctor

: things areAlthough much of the job board is pri­vate­ly held, there are enough pub­licly-owned com­pa­nies to pro­vide us a sense of how thing are going with regard to rev­enue. The answer? Well, pret­ty , actu­al­ly – and much bet­ter than a year ago. Even Mon­ster man­aged to not go down – its rev­enue is ‘sta­bi­lized’. I just love the many ways in which cor­po­ra­tions man­age to say ‘things don’t suck as much’! Let’s take a clos­er :

  • says Mon­ster is sta­ble: Rand­stad NV report­ed sta­ble rev­enue from its recruit­ment mar­ket­place dur­ing the sec­ond quar­ter, while the group’s total rev­enue rose 3% from pre-pan­dem­ic num­bers in 2019. Rand­stad did­n’t present rev­enue break­down of Mon­ster World­wide. How­ev­er, it says the job site’s rev­enue stayed sta­ble year-on-year in Q2, although there was a 21% decline quar­ter-on-quar­ter. Rev­enue from Mon­ster rose to €294 mil­lion ($348 mil­lion U.S.) in Q2 from €219 mil­lion ($259 mil­lion U.S.) the same peri­od last year, bring­ing the half-year rev­enue up to €551 mil­lion com­pared to €488 mil­lion a year ear­li­er. So, it could have been worse – much worse.
  • Upwork’s rev­enue is…up: Upwork report­ed rev­enue rose 41.9% in the sec­ond quar­ter while gross ser­vices , or GSV, on the plat­form rose 50% year over year to $875.8 mil­lion. The com­pa­ny fore­cast third-quar­ter rev­enue of between $125 mil­lion and $127 mil­lion, rep­re­sent­ing a year-over-year of between 29.2% and 31.3%. The com­pa­ny had a mar­ket cap of $7.26 . It’s how many job boards and mar­ket­places have mar­ket caps over $1 bil­lion these days.
  • New Work rev­enue is also up: New Work – the par­ent com­pa­ny of Ger­many’s social net­work XING – said that  pro for­ma rev­enues inched up 2% and came in at €139 mil­lion ($165 mil­lion U.S.) for the first half of 2021. Pro for­ma EBITDA for the peri­od jumped 33% to €52.3 mil­lion while pro for­ma net prof­it rose by 51% to €25.4 mil­lion with New Work attribut­ing these sig­nif­i­cant increas­es to the group post­pon­ing a num­ber of planned invest­ments. The com­pa­ny’s largest seg­ment, b‑to‑b e‑recruiting, saw rev­enues increase 3% to €78.7 mil­lion. XING has suc­cess­ful­ly com­pet­ed against LinkedIn in the Ger­man mar­ket. The com­pa­ny also oper­ates a Glass­Door com­peti­tor, Kununu.
  • Fiverr rev­enue ris­es dra­mat­i­cal­ly: Fiverr rev­enue rose 59.7% year over year in the sec­ond quar­ter of 2021. The num­ber of active buy­ers on Fiver­r’s plat­form rose 43% year over year to 4.0 mil­lion in the sec­ond quar­ter. Spend per buy­er rose to $226, up 23% from $184 in the sec­ond quar­ter of last year. The com­pa­ny also revised its fore­cast for full-year 2021 growth to between 48% and 52%., up from between 48% and 52%. I believe when you are those kind of num­bers, you are hav­ing a pret­ty good year.
  • DHI rev­enue is up a lit­tle: DHI Group report­ed sec­ond-quar­ter rev­enue rose 4.1% with growth in its Clear­ance­Jobs seg­ment. Rev­enue in com­pa­ny’s Dice seg­ment was flat. “The sec­ond quar­ter rep­re­sent­ed a rev­enue inflec­tion point for DHI Group as we have turned the cor­ner and are now on an upward rev­enue growth tra­jec­to­ry,” DHI Pres­i­dent and CEO Art Zeile said. Zell not­ed that book­ings were up 23% year over year. Inflec­tion point, eh? Hmm.

So there you have it. Not a com­pre­hen­sive look by any means – no recent news from Recruit, Seek, or Step­stone, for exam­ple – but still, a good indi­ca­tor of what’s hap­pen­ing in the indus­try. You can see slow growth in both old-style com­pa­nies such as DHI and Rand­stad, as well as more explo­sive growth from new­er com­pa­nies such as Fiverr and Upwork. The impact of the pan­dem­ic – mak­ing itself felt via employ­ers’ high­er reliance on remote work – still looms large. But over­all, the indus­try is doing well as work­ers move back into work­ing – and employ­ers con­tin­ue to be hun­gry for new tal­ent.

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