Union x Jordan Brand “Hustle & Motivate” Lookbook and Skit

The skit cen­ters around, Diz, who unluck­i­ly has a job on the same day as the x Air Jor­dan 4 release. A series of unfor­tu­nate events leads the char­ac­ter on the brink of fail­ing this job inter­view and an propo­si­tion aris­es last minute. Con­ceived by Reg­gieknow and ani­mat­ed by Arthell Isom of D’art Shta­jio, the first Black-owned ani­ma­tion stu­dio in , the ani­mat­ed visu­al pokes fun a sneak­er while high­light­ing civ­il , crim­i­nal reform and .

Accom­pa­ny­ing the skit is a look­book, which sees mod­els cos­play (コスプレ, kosupure), a port­man­teau of the words cos­tume play, as char­ac­ters Diz, Eamona, Khalil and Lavell. The bright­ly col­ored fig­ures serve to show­case the high­ly antic­i­pat­ed release from Union once again.

In case you missed it, more of Drake’s  Lover Boy merch recent­ly sur­faced.

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