LA’s Mobility Plan Implementation Faces Opposition

Los Ange­les fire­fight­ers are oppos­ing Mea­sure HLA, a bal­lot pro­pos­al that add ded­i­cat­ed bike and bus lanes to the city’s streets and direct the city to its 2015 mobil­i­ty plan. Accord­ing to an arti­cle by David Zah­nis­er and Rachel Uran­ga in the Los Ange­les Times, “Mea­sure HLA would the instal­la­tion of 200 miles of bus lanes — some oper­at­ing 24 hours a day, oth­ers run­ning only dur­ing rush — and more than 600 miles of bicy­cle lanes.”

As the arti­cle explains, “Union Pres­i­dent Fred­dy Esco­bar said his orga­ni­za­tion, which rep­re­sents about 3,400 fire­fight­ers, is con­cerned that the mea­sure lead to slow­er emer­gency response times and put new pres­sure on a city already expe­ri­enc­ing finan­cial strain.”

Sup­port­ers of the mea­sure say changes are urgent­ly need­ed to stem the ris­ing of traf­fic deaths and make tran­sit more reli­able and effi­cient. “They also have sought to rebut the union’s claims, say­ing the city’s own envi­ron­men­tal analy­sis found that access for emer­gency vehi­cles would remain the or improve if new street improve­ments are com­plet­ed.”

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