7 Unmistakable Traits Of Highly Influential Leaders

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“I just can’t seem to get peo­ple to tru­ly under­stand,” she said. “I feel like I’ve tried every­thing. I tell them they need to be bet­ter. I tell them what they need to fix. And, they just don’t respond.” These words came from a woman who was recent­ly pro­mot­ed. She was now lead­ing a depart­ment of near­ly eighty peo­ple. “I feel like I’m fail­ing.”

I’m a nice a guy. I real­ly am. But, as I spoke to this woman, and inquired about her lead­er­ship , I felt an imme­di­ate dis­con­nect between who she was, and who she thought she should be as a boss.

“Let me ask you a ques­tion,” I said. “Tell me about the three influ­en­tial peo­ple in your career.”

She thought for a sec­ond, and then began telling me sto­ries about the peo­ple who helped her, moti­vat­ed her, and influ­enced her to become the per­son she is today. Her sto­ries were heart­felt and inspir­ing.

“When my spoke, I lis­tened,” she exclaimed. “Why won’t my employ­ees lis­ten to me?”

“That’s sim­ple,” I respond­ed. “You’re dif­fer­ent than your employ­ees sim­ply because you had bet­ter lead­ers.”

those words may sound harsh on the exte­ri­or, the woman imme­di­ate­ly under­stood my point—that she was try­ing to be a boss, instead of being an inspi­ra­tion. And, this made me think about the many thou­sands of lead­ers I’ve inter­viewed through­out my career. Which were the most influ­en­tial, and why? Which lead­ers built the strongest cul­tures? Which seemed to cre­ate the most loy­al following—sometimes drag­ging their teams from one orga­ni­za­tion to the next? Those are all ques­tions. And, from my expe­ri­ence both work­ing for many eclec­tic peo­ple, and inter­view­ing many of the top exec­u­tives in the world, here are the 7 unmis­tak­able traits I’ve seen amongst high­ly influ­en­tial lead­ers.

1. They’re sto­ry­tellers. Think about the most influ­en­tial peo­ple in your life and career. They either had a great sto­ry, which inspired you to be like them, or they told great sto­ries about peo­ple you want­ed emu­late. Basi­cal­ly, these peo­ple were inter­est­ing to you because they were inter­est­ed in allow­ing a good sto­ry to impact you—to make you see your­self as the pro­tag­o­nist of a great sto­ry, and improve your­self accord­ing­ly. They, quite frankly, believed in you.

2. They under­stand the oth­er peo­ple who played a role in their suc­cess. The best lead­ers, more often than not, will give to the peo­ple who helped them become who they are. Some­times they’ll tell sto­ries about peo­ple who inspired them, and oth­er times they’ll tell sto­ries about peo­ple who taught them “what not to be.” Either way, they’re giv­ing cred­it to oth­ers. They under­stand that they did­n’t achieve their posi­tion with­out the help of oth­ers. If you want to be great, start by rec­og­niz­ing the peo­ple who helped you get to where you are today.

3. They’re unafraid of dis­agree­ment. The best lead­ers are quick to dis­agree. And, they’re also the peo­ple quick to seek dis­agree­ment. Great lead­ers under­stand that dis­agree­ment can achieve think­ing and results. And, they don’t see dis­agree­ment as argu­ing. They see it as pro­duc­tive brain­storm­ing. If you want to be influ­en­tial, find peo­ple who have the nerve to dis­agree with you. Respect their opin­ion. Hon­or it.

4. They actu­al­ly care about purpose—your pur­pose. The con­cept of pur­pose gets tossed around fre­quent­ly in today’s cor­po­rate world. Of Course, your orga­ni­za­tion has a pur­pose. But, when I ask peo­ple about the most influ­en­tial peo­ple in their lives and careers, I’ve nev­er heard the answer, “They con­vinced me to believe in their pur­pose.” Instead, I’ve heard, “They tru­ly under­stood where I want­ed to go and what I want­ed to do.” Your job as a leader isn’t to con­vince some­one to change. It’s to con­vince them that they should become the best ver­sion of them­selves at work every­day.

5. They actu­al­ly care about peo­ple. Words and actions are two very dif­fer­ent things. You know this. I know this. The most influ­en­tial lead­ers actu­al­ly care about the per­son, and the bot­tom line. How does that work? Well, it’s sim­ple. Most like­ly you have past lead­ers in your life who have, for some rea­son, stayed in your life. And, I would bet that these are some of the peo­ple you think of as your most influ­en­tial leaders—whether you moved on, or the com­pa­ny no longer need­ed you. The most influ­en­tial peo­ple in your life care about you whether you’re cre­at­ing mon­e­tary val­ue for them or not. 

6. They don’t care when they’re being watched. You might get sur­prised from time to time. How­ev­er, the most influ­en­tial peo­ple in your life are prob­a­bly the most like­ly to act the same inside of the work­place, as they do out­side of the work­place. They’re real. They’re hon­est about who they are—with all their strengths and weak­ness­es. And, you would bet mon­ey on the fact that they are the per­son you know whether some­one is watch­ing or not. That’s called integri­ty. It’s called trans­paren­cy. And, if you want to be influ­en­tial, it’s invalu­able.

7. They under­stand crit­i­cism can be the ulti­mate act of kind­ness. We all live in an over­sen­si­tive world. And, here’s the rub. When you look back at your own life and com­pare your worst lead­ers (the peo­ple who made you feel belit­tled), to your best lead­ers (the peo­ple who made you feel empow­ered), they both had the same goal—to make you bet­ter. What’s the dif­fer­ence? Great lead­ers approach oth­ers with kind­ness—know­ing that they’re cheat­ing them­selves, the com­pa­ny, and you if they can’t com­mu­ni­cate how tru­ly great they think you could become. Crit­i­cism isn’t mean. It’s a belief some­one can do bet­ter. The words you choose make all the dif­fer­ence in how some­one per­ceives it.

When you’re a leader, influ­ence is your job. But, unless you under­stand that influ­ence is also your oppor­tu­ni­ty to pos­i­tive­ly change the course of some­one’s life, you’ll nev­er be great.

Choose to be a inspi­ra­tion. As a leader, it’s the most reward­ing and influ­en­tial thing you can do.


“I just can’t seem to get peo­ple to tru­ly under­stand,” she said. “I feel like I’ve tried every­thing. I tell them they need to be bet­ter. I tell them what they need to fix. And, they just don’t respond.” These words came from a woman who was recent­ly pro­mot­ed. She was now lead­ing a depart­ment of near­ly eighty peo­ple. “I feel like I’m fail­ing.”

I’m a nice a guy. I real­ly am. But, as I spoke to this woman, and inquired about her lead­er­ship style, I felt an imme­di­ate dis­con­nect between who she was, and who she thought she should be as a boss.

“Let me ask you a ques­tion,” I said. “Tell me about the three most influ­en­tial peo­ple in your career.”

She thought for a sec­ond, and then began telling me sto­ries about the peo­ple who helped her, moti­vat­ed her, and influ­enced her to become the per­son she is today. Her sto­ries were heart­felt and inspir­ing.

“When my boss­es spoke, I lis­tened,” she exclaimed. “Why won’t my employ­ees lis­ten to me?”

“That’s sim­ple,” I respond­ed. “You’re dif­fer­ent than your employ­ees sim­ply because you had bet­ter lead­ers.”

While those words may sound harsh on the exte­ri­or, the woman imme­di­ate­ly under­stood my point—that she was try­ing to be a boss, instead of being an inspi­ra­tion. And, this con­ver­sa­tion made me think about the many thou­sands of lead­ers I’ve inter­viewed through­out my career. Which were the most influ­en­tial, and why? Which lead­ers built the strongest cul­tures? Which seemed to cre­ate the most loy­al following—sometimes drag­ging their teams from one orga­ni­za­tion to the next? Those are all great ques­tions. And, from my expe­ri­ence both work­ing for many eclec­tic peo­ple, and inter­view­ing many of the top exec­u­tives in the world, here are the 7 unmis­tak­able traits I’ve seen amongst high­ly influ­en­tial lead­ers.

1. They’re good sto­ry­tellers. Think about the most influ­en­tial peo­ple in your life and career. They either had a great sto­ry, which inspired you to be like them, or they told great sto­ries about peo­ple you want­ed emu­late. Basi­cal­ly, these peo­ple were inter­est­ing to you because they were inter­est­ed in allow­ing a good sto­ry to impact you—to make you see your­self as the pro­tag­o­nist of a great sto­ry, and improve your­self accord­ing­ly. They, quite frankly, believed in you.

2. They under­stand the oth­er peo­ple who played a role in their suc­cess. The best lead­ers, more often than not, will give cred­it to the peo­ple who helped them become who they are. Some­times they’ll tell sto­ries about peo­ple who inspired them, and oth­er times they’ll tell sto­ries about peo­ple who taught them “what not to be.” Either way, they’re giv­ing cred­it to oth­ers. They under­stand that they did­n’t achieve their posi­tion with­out the help of oth­ers. If you want to be great, start by rec­og­niz­ing the peo­ple who helped you get to where you are today.

3. They’re unafraid of dis­agree­ment. The best lead­ers are quick to dis­agree. And, they’re also the peo­ple quick to seek dis­agree­ment. Great lead­ers under­stand that dis­agree­ment can achieve greater think­ing and results. And, they don’t see dis­agree­ment as argu­ing. They see it as pro­duc­tive brain­storm­ing. If you want to be influ­en­tial, find peo­ple who have the nerve to dis­agree with you. Respect their opin­ion. Hon­or it.

4. They actu­al­ly care about purpose—your pur­pose. The con­cept of pur­pose gets tossed around fre­quent­ly in today’s cor­po­rate world. Of Course, your orga­ni­za­tion has a pur­pose. But, when I ask peo­ple about the most influ­en­tial peo­ple in their lives and careers, I’ve nev­er heard the answer, “They con­vinced me to believe in their pur­pose.” Instead, I’ve heard, “They tru­ly under­stood where I want­ed to go and what I want­ed to do.” Your job as a leader isn’t to con­vince some­one to change. It’s to con­vince them that they should become the best ver­sion of them­selves at work every­day.

5. They actu­al­ly care about peo­ple. Words and actions are two very dif­fer­ent things. You know this. I know this. The most influ­en­tial lead­ers actu­al­ly care about the per­son, and the bot­tom line. How does that work? Well, it’s sim­ple. Most like­ly you have past lead­ers in your life who have, for some rea­son, stayed in your life. And, I would bet that these are some of the peo­ple you think of as your most influ­en­tial leaders—whether you moved on, or the com­pa­ny no longer need­ed you. The most influ­en­tial peo­ple in your life care about you whether you’re cre­at­ing mon­e­tary val­ue for them or not. 

6. They don’t care when they’re being watched. You might get sur­prised from time to time. How­ev­er, the most influ­en­tial peo­ple in your life are prob­a­bly the most like­ly to act the same inside of the work­place, as they do out­side of the work­place. They’re real. They’re hon­est about who they are—with all their strengths and weak­ness­es. And, you would bet mon­ey on the fact that they are the per­son you know whether some­one is watch­ing or not. That’s called integri­ty. It’s called trans­paren­cy. And, if you want to be influ­en­tial, it’s invalu­able.

7. They under­stand crit­i­cism can be the ulti­mate act of kind­ness. We all live in an over­sen­si­tive world. And, here’s the rub. When you look back at your own life and com­pare your worst lead­ers (the peo­ple who made you feel belit­tled), to your best lead­ers (the peo­ple who made you feel empow­ered), they both had the same goal—to make you bet­ter. What’s the dif­fer­ence? Great lead­ers approach oth­ers with kind­ness—know­ing that they’re cheat­ing them­selves, the com­pa­ny, and you if they can’t com­mu­ni­cate how tru­ly great they think you could become. Crit­i­cism isn’t mean. It’s a belief some­one can do bet­ter. The words you choose make all the dif­fer­ence in how some­one per­ceives it.

When you’re a leader, influ­ence is your job. But, unless you under­stand that influ­ence is also your oppor­tu­ni­ty to pos­i­tive­ly change the course of some­one’s life, you’ll nev­er be great.

Choose to be a pos­i­tive inspi­ra­tion. As a leader, it’s the most reward­ing and influ­en­tial thing you can do.

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