50,000 California State Fairgoers Visit High-Speed Rail Exhibit

The High-Speed Author­i­ty unveiled an inter­ac­tive exhib­it at the Cal­i­for­nia State fea­tur­ing mock-ups of the future sys­tem’s trains, reports Marni Rose McFall in Newsweek.

“At the fair, vis­i­tors were invit­ed to walk through the life-size mock-ups of train inte­ri­ors, look at 3D ren­der­ings and mod­els of the planned Cen­tral Val­ley sta­tions and more,” McFall writes.

Accord­ing to an infor­ma­tion for the Author­i­ty, rough­ly 50,000 vis­it­ed the exhib­it. “The 3D mod­els pre­lim­i­nary designs of four cen­tral val­ley sta­tions, Merced, Fres­no the Kings Tulare sta­tion and Bak­ers­field.”  

The long-await­ed project is under­way, with 119 miles under active con­struc­tion between Merced and Bak­ers­field in the Cen­tral Val­ley. “Com­ple­tion is upon the ini­ti­a­tion of pas­sen­ger ser­vice, which is slat­ed for between 2030 and 2033. The project plans for trains to run at speeds up to 220 miles per hour, enabling a trip from San Fran­cis­co to Los in under three ​.” The , ini­tial­ly pro­ject­ed at $40 bil­lion, is now esti­mat­ed to reach between $88 to $128 bil­lion.

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