5 Pairs of Sunglasses Perfect For Any Look

for Any Style

When it to sum­mer­time must-haves, sun­glass­es are pret­ty much at the top of the list. No oth­er acces­so­ry has the pow­er to com­plete­ly trans­form your look ( the pos­si­ble excep­tion of a fedo­ra or Pana­ma hat). Build­ing a col­lec­tion of dif­fer­ent pairs ensures that you’ll nev­er be miss­ing that final touch. Bri­an recent­ly fea­tured his col­lec­tion of sun­glass­es on the HSS YouTube Chan­nel and showed us why it’s nec­es­sary to own more than just one pair. Today, we’ll look at how choos­ing the right pair of sun­glass­es based on your look can be a pow­er­ful tool for your style.

1. Weekend Drive

Best sunglasses outfit 2020

A man’s clothes, much like the car he dri­ves, is a reflec­tion of who he is. Bri­an always knows how to con­vey a clas­sic style and sophis­ti­ca­tion, but what I like most about this look is that the avi­a­tor sun­glass­es com­plete­ly change his appear­ance. The black frames and tint­ed lens­es, give off a rock­star per­son­al­i­ty. He looks con­fi­dent and down­right badass. What’s bet­ter? You can eas­i­ly make this look with one of your and a pair of avi­a­tor sun­glass­es.

SHOP HERE: Ray­ban Avi­a­tors

2. Job Interview

Best sunglasses outfit 2020

Some­thing I’ve learned over the years is the clothes you wear can tell peo­ple all they need to know about who you are. An impor­tant occa­sion, like a job inter­view, is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to show why you’re the right . this look is pret­ty straight­for­ward, it rein­forces the of dress­ing well with­out dis­tract­ing from your real qual­i­fi­ca­tions. The same should go with your sun­glass­es. This pair from Gar­rett Leight is under­stat­ed, but adds a touch of cool to a clas­sic look.

SHOP HERE: Gar­rett Leight Hamp­ton

3. Sharp Casual

Best sunglasses outfit 2020

The thing about a clas­sic pair of sun­glass­es is that they always out­last trends. Of all the dif­fer­ent pairs men­tioned, this pair from Oliv­er Peo­ples is one of Bri­an’s go-to pairs. Far from ubiq­ui­tous, these sun­glass­es are all about the fine details. Paired here with a navy bomber jack­et, tan chi­nos, white shirt and sneak­ers, Bri­an shows us why dress­ing casu­al­ly does­n’t mean dress­ing slop­py.

SHOP HERE: Oliv­er Peo­ples Banks

4. Vacation Time

Best sunglasses outfit 2020

A vaca­tion seems much far­ther away today than expect­ed, but that does­n’t mean you should­n’t pre­pare your­self for it when the time comes. Vaca­tions aren’t just a relax­ing time away from the norm, they’re a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to exper­i­ment with your style. Round sun­glass­es aren’t for every­one, but Bri­an shows us that try­ing a dif­fer­ent style can be suc­cess­ful. Here’s a per­fect exam­ple of how to dress when trav­el­ing.

SHOP HERE: Oliv­er Peo­ples M4

5. Hollywood Statement

Best sunglasses outfit 2020

Sun­glass­es are a trans­for­ma­tive acces­so­ry. Some­times we wear them to sim­ply hide and oth­er times it’s to say we’re not to be messed with. Every­one should have at least 1 pair of sun­glass­es that make a bold state­ment. Whether that means a pair of unique col­ored lens­es or a framed pair like these from Oliv­er Gold­smith Lord. Bri­an makes this Hol­ly­wood-esque style look easy with a basic but­toned-up black polo, blaz­er and white chi­nos. A look that Mr. Caine be proud of.

SHOP HERE: Oliv­er Gold­smith Lord

Styl­ish­ly Yours,

Steven D. Elliott
He Spoke Style


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