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Sky Sports issue an apology after Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos was mistranslated in an interview

Sky Sports apologised over inaccurate translation of Rangers

Sky Sports issue an apology after Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos was mistranslated in an interview and incorrectly attributed to quotes accusing Celtic fans of

  • Sky apol­o­gised to Celtic over an inter­view Rangers’ Alfre­do More­los 
  • Celtic were furi­ous with alle­ga­tions said to have been made by the strik­er
  • It was claimed by Celtic that More­los’ inter­view con­tained fab­ri­cat­ed quotes 
  • The quotes by the Colom­bian strik­er accused Celtic sup­port­ers of being racist 
  • On Wednes­day, Sky apol­o­gised and post­ed a ‘ver­i­fied’ trans­lat­ed tran­script 

Sky Sports issued a ful­some apol­o­gy over the inac­cu­rate trans­la­tion of their inter­view with Alfre­do More­los.

The broad­cast­er aired the inter­view on their net­work and social chan­nels ear­li­er this week, with footage of More­los speak­ing in his native Span­ish tongue sup­port­ed by Eng­lish sub­ti­tles.

In one sec­tion, the Rangers strik­er was quot­ed as he was tar­get­ed by ‘racist words’ Celtic fans fol­low­ing his red card in the Old Firm match on Decem­ber 29.

Sky Sports apologised over inaccurate translation of Rangers' Alfredo Morelos in an interview

Sky Sports apologised over inaccurate translation of Rangers' Alfredo Morelos in an interview

Sky Sports apol­o­gised over inac­cu­rate trans­la­tion of Rangers’ Alfre­do More­los in an inter­view

In the Sky Sports subtitles he is said to have accused Celtic supporters of racist behaviour

In the Sky Sports sub­ti­tles he is said to have accused Celtic sup­port­ers of racist behav­iour

How­ev­er, the Park­head club demand­ed an after ques­tions were wide­ly raised about the verac­i­ty of the trans­la­tion – with the inter­view then pulled from all Sky plat­forms. It’s claimed the trans­la­tion was arranged by Sky Sports and the play­er’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives.

Sky have now said sor­ry to Rangers, Celtic, More­los and fans of the Park­head club for the botched job that over­shad­owed the first UK tele­vi­sion inter­view the 23-year-old had under­tak­en since arriv­ing in Scot­land in 2017. It could yet lead to a probe by Ofcom after the com­mu­ni­ca­tions reg­u­la­tor received almost 30 com­plaints.

The apol­o­gy appeared on the Sky Sports , along with a new tran­script from a ‘pro­fes­sion­al­ly ver­i­fied trans­la­tion.’

The state­ment read: ‘We have iden­ti­fied inac­cu­ra­cies in the trans­la­tion of Sky Sports News’ inter­view with Alfre­do More­los. We apol­o­gise to both Celtic and Rangers foot­ball clubs as well as Alfre­do More­los for the issues caused by these errors.

‘After numer­ous steps under­tak­en by Sky to ver­i­fy the inter­view thor­ough­ly we can be clear that at no point did More­los allege that any racial abuse was direct­ed at him by Celtic sup­port­ers in the inter­view. We apol­o­gise to the sup­port­ers of Celtic Foot­ball Club for this seri­ous error.

‘We are review­ing our pro­ce­dures for trans­lat­ed inter­views to ensure this does not occur in future.’

Sky have since pulled the orig­i­nal inter­view down and apol­o­gised for the wrong trans­la­tions

An Ofcom spokesper­son con­firmed 29 com­plaints and said: ‘We are assess­ing the com­plaints against our broad­cast­ing rules, but are yet to decide whether or not to inves­ti­gate.’

Address­ing his send­ing off at Park­head and the ‘cut-throat’ ges­ture made as he left the field, More­los is now quot­ed by Sky as say­ing: ‘In the game against Celtic we were win­ning 2–1, a nor­mal match… and, I don’t know, I fell over, I was­n’t try­ing to get a penal­ty, but the ref decid­ed to send me off and, well, I accept that, it’s his deci­sion.

‘But my ges­ture was just a way of say­ing it’s all over, the game was fin­ished any­way, there were only 30 sec­onds left. They start­ed insult­ing me and shout­ing at me , but that ges­ture only meant that the game was over.’

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