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San Francisco Officials Call for Citywide Ban on Right Turns on Red

San Francisco Officials Call for Citywide Ban on Right Turns on Red

The San Fran­cis­co Munic­i­pal Trans­porta­tion Board of Direc­tors declined to act on a pro­pos­al that would have banned right on red at rough­ly 200 down­town inter­sec­tions, instead call­ing for agency offi­cials to imple­ment the city­wide.

Accord­ing to a CBS News arti­cle, SFMTA engi­neer Ricar­do Olea says a blan­ket ban could “cre­ate a shock to the sys­tem” for dri­vers. “Olea said the idea behind the two-thirds pro­pos­al was to make San Fran­cis­co’s quad­rant into a ‘ of grav­i­ty’ where dri­vers could get used to not mak­ing turns on red lights, before expand­ing out­ward.” Restrict­ing turns at all inter­sec­tions could lead to back­lash from dri­vers at inter­sec­tions with lit­tle pedes­tri­an traf­fic where right turns could be made safe­ly, Olea not­ed. 

Three Direc­tors dis­agreed, ask­ing if “ a whole par­a­digm shift might be eas­i­er than rely­ing on dri­vers read­ing signs each pulled up to an inter­sec­tion, espe­cial­ly with the num­ber of signs along­side San Fran­sis­co road­ways.” Oth­er advo­cates at a pub­lic meet­ing focused on pedes­tri­ans and bicy­clists, who can make deci­sions if they know dri­vers will make a right turn on red or not. “Improv­ing the walk­a­bil­i­ty of streets, more so than the safe­ty of them, has dri­ven San Fran­cis­co’s for right on red bans, accord­ing to a staff memo from ahead of the meet­ing.”

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