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New Survey Shows Support for Unbundled Parking

New Survey Shows Support for Unbundled Parking

A study from Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia reveals that more than 40 per­cent of renters would be open to for sep­a­rate­ly from rent, more than a third say­ing their park­ing needs don’t the avail­abil­i­ty in their build­ings, writes Chris McC­ahill in Streets­blog USA.

Accord­ing to the researchers, “liv­ing in a house­hold with two or more cars increased the of being recep­tive to unbundling off-street car-park­ing by over three times.”

Pro­po­nents of unbun­dled park­ing say the prac­tice can pro­mote more sus­tain­able trans­porta­tion choic­es. Accord­ing to Plan­e­ti­zen blog­ger Todd Lit­man, “Reduc­ing and unbundling park­ing can typ­i­cal­ly reduce the costs of basic, low­er-priced hous­ing by 10 to 20 per­cent and pro­vide thou­sands of dol­lars in trans­porta­tion sav­ings for in neigh­bor­hoods.”

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