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New Park Opens in the Santa Clarita Valley

New Park Opens in the Santa Clarita Valley

in Los Ange­les Coun­ty, the City of Clari­ta has a pop­u­la­tion of about 229,000, mak­ing it the third-most pop­u­lous city in the coun­ty. On April 6, 2024, the City held a grand open­ing for its 38th park, Sky­line Ranch Park. The cer­e­mo­ny fea­tured a brief speak­ing pro­gram fol­lowed by the offi­cial rib­bon-cut­ting. The 10.5‑acre park includes a vari­ety of ameni­ties, includ­ing a base­ball field, bas­ket­ball courts, mul­ti-pur­pose field, a shad­ed play­ground with ele­ments, a half- walk­ing , tennis/pickleball courts, pic­nic tables, and a brand-new restroom build­ing. The park also offers panoram­ic views of San­ta Clari­ta.

Sky­line Ranch Park is locat­ed in a new res­i­den­tial sub­di­vi­sion com­prised of more than 1,200 sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes. Devel­op­ment for the park began in Decem­ber 2022, with devel­op­er Tri Pointe part­ner­ing with the City to cre­ate this park. The City of San­ta Clari­ta oper­ates and main­tains a wide range of parks to the and diverse needs of its res­i­dents. To learn more, please the City’s .


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