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Long Awaited Green Line Extension Opens Today North of Boston

Long Awaited Green Line Extension Opens Today North of Boston

long awaited green line extension opens today north of boston

The Union Square Branch of the Green Line Exten­sion Project, to Somerville, opens today in Mass­a­chu­setts.

An arti­cle by Adri­an­na Mac­Neill pre­viewed this mile­stone event for the decades- Green Line Exten­sion Project (GLX), not­ing the new to tran­sit offered to tran­sit by the new rail line’s open­ing. MBTA spokesman Joe Pesat­uro is quot­ed in the arti­cle : “When both branch­es of GLX are open, 80% of Somerville’s pop­u­la­tion will be with­in walk­ing dis­tance of a rail sta­tion. Today, that fig­ure is only 20%.”

The oth­er branch Pesat­uro is refer­ring to is the Med­ford Branch, which is expect­ed to open this sum­mer. “In all, there will be six new , as well as a recon­struct­ed and relo­cat­ed Lech­mere sta­tion. The new sta­tions include Union Square on the first phase, plus East Somerville, Gilman Square, Magoun Square, Ball Square, and Col­lege Avenue sta­tions as part of the sec­ond,” Mac­Neill.

The source arti­cle, linked below, includes more detail on the long his­to­ry of lead­ing up to today’s his­toric open­ing, as well as the most recent his­to­ry of delays from the past sev­er­al . For more back­ground, see also arti­cles pre­view­ing the open­ing, pub­lished ear­li­er this year by the Boston Globe and Boston.Com.  

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