It has been over four years since the OurCounty Plan was adopted by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. As the first ever regional sustainability plan for L.A. County, it sets forth ambitious targets such as achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, sourcing 80 percent of our water locally by 2045, installing 130,000 new public electric vehicle chargers by 2035, and much more. The Chief Sustainability Office (CSO)‘s recently released the 2023 annual report which shows that L.A. County is making progress on meeting the 12 overarching goals of the OurCounty Plan.
Among the highlights from 2022–23 are:
- Passing a landmark ordinance phasing out oil and gas extraction in unincorporated areas of L.A. County.
- Banning polystyrene and single-use service ware at restaurants, which will reduce landfill waste and plastic contaminants in the environment.
- Adopting the County’s first ever Formal Land Acknowledgment.
- Developing the Florence-Firestone Transit-Oriented District Specific Plan to foster connectivity and livability in South L.A.
- Enacting a permanent rent stabilization ordinance securing affordable housing for thousands.
- Releasing the inaugural Los Angeles County Food Equity Roundtable Action Plan.
- Completing and adopting the Parks Needs Assessment Plus (PNA+) as the County’s plan to advance park equity, expand land conservation and restoration efforts, and protect biodiversity.
The hard work of the CSO, other County departments, and a variety of partners has resulted in meaningful and measurable improvements in the quality of life for millions of L.A. County residents. To learn more, please read the full report here.