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Modern Tourism Website Design

I’m in need of a skilled web design­er to cre­ate a clean and mod­ern web­site for my tourism busi­ness. The pri­ma­ry focus of the web­site will be to pro­vide trav­el infor­ma­tion to vis­i­tors, so it’s cru­cial that the design is user-friend­ly and allows for easy nav­i­ga­tion.

Key Require­ments:

— **Design Style**: The web­site should be designed with a clean and mod­ern aes­thet­ic in mind. It should appeal to a broad audi­ence and con­vey a sense of pro­fes­sion­al­ism.

— **Func­tion­al­i­ties**: The pri­ma­ry func­tion of the web­site is to pro­vide trav­el infor­ma­tion, so the design should sup­port this key objec­tive.

— **Con­tact Form**: It’s essen­tial to include a con­tact form on the web­site to allow poten­tial cus­tomers to eas­i­ly get in touch with us.

Ide­al Skills and Expe­ri­ence:

— Proven expe­ri­ence in design­ing user-friend­ly and visu­al­ly appeal­ing web­sites.

— Under­stand­ing of the tourism indus­try and its spe­cif­ic design require­ments.

— Pro­fi­cien­cy in cre­at­ing con­tact forms and ensur­ing seam­less user expe­ri­ence.

If you think you have what it takes to bring my vision to life, please don’t hes­i­tate to bid on the project.

Web­site Design Graph­ic Design HTML PHP User Inter­face / IA

Project ID: #38455347

About the project

121 pro­pos­als Open for bid­ding Remote project Active 20 hours ago
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