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Head Concierge (Administration)

Job title: Head Concierge (Admin­is­tra­tion)

Com­pa­ny: Fuze HR

Job Descrip­tion: ; Present a pos­i­tive image of the res­i­dence to the pub­lic; Be knowl­edge­able of and prac­tice res­i­dence’s fire and safe­ty…, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, or hos­pi­tal­i­ty relat­ed indus­tries; Cer­tifi­cate or Diplo­ma in Office Admin­is­tra­tion would be an asset; Empa­thet­ic…

Expect­ed Salary: $45000 per year

Salary Type: Y

Salary Cur­ren­cy: CAD

Min­i­mum Salary: 45000

Max­i­mum Salary: 45000

Loca­tion: North York, ON

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