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E‑commerce Website Enhancement

I am look­ing for a skilled web design­er who can revamp my e‑commerce site. The pri­ma­ry goals here are to enhance user expe­ri­ence, ele­vate brand iden­ti­ty, and boost the con­ver­sion rate.

sam­ple site: [login to view URL]

sam­ple site: [login to view URL]

sam­ple site: [login to view URL]

sam­ple site: [login to view URL]

sam­ple site: [login to view URL]

Key require­ments:

— **Design Over­haul**: The cur­rent web­site design should be upgrad­ed to a more mod­ern, user-friend­ly lay­out.

— **User Expe­ri­ence Improve­ments**: Imple­ment changes that enhance the over­all ease of use and nav­i­ga­bil­i­ty of the site.

— **Con­ver­sion Rate Opti­miza­tion**: Sug­gest and imple­ment strate­gies that will increase vis­i­tor con­ver­sion into buy­ers.

— **Mobile Respon­sive**: The web­site must be ful­ly respon­sive, ensur­ing an opti­mal user expe­ri­ence on all devices.

— **Fast Load­ing Speed**: Imple­ment improve­ments to reduce load­ing times and cre­ate a more seam­less brows­ing expe­ri­ence.

— **Secure Pay­ment Gate­way**: Ensure that the pay­ment gate­way is secure and reli­able.

Your past expe­ri­ence in e‑commerce web­site design, includ­ing improve­ments in user expe­ri­ence and con­ver­sion rate, will be a sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage. Please pro­vide exam­ples of pre­vi­ous that demon­strate your exper­tise in these areas.

PHP Web­site Design HTML Graph­ic Design Word­Press

Project ID: #38464086

About the project

192 pro­pos­als Open for bid­ding Remote project Active 24 mins ago
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