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Inglewood Transit Connector Moves Forward

Inglewood Transit Connector Moves Forward

A project dubbed the Ingle­wood Tran­sit Con­nec­tor (ITC) received $1 bil­lion in , putting the project one step clos­er to real­i­ty. The 1.6- mover’ con­nect Ingle­wood’s sports sta­di­ums and down­town and link to the Los Ange­les Metro K Line, reports Kris­tine Klein in The ’s . “In addi­tion to the fund­ing boost, the ITC, accord­ing to the City of Ingle­wood, has entered ‘the Engi­neer­ing phase of project devel­op­ment under the Fed­er­al Tran­sit Admin­is­tra­tion’s (FTA) Cap­i­tal Invest­ment Grant (CIG) pro­gram.’”

Ingle­wood, in west­ern Los Ange­les Coun­ty, will host sev­er­al events dur­ing the 2028 Olympics, though the peo­ple mover is not sched­uled to open for oper­a­tion until 2030. “While the mode of trans­porta­tion will like­ly be packed on game days, project coor­di­na­tors antic­i­pate com­muters will also ben­e­fit from it. ITC will have the to car­ry 11,000 rid­ers each hour. It replaces and aug­ments the Metro Bus ser­vice present­ly used in the area, reduces con­ges­tion on the road­ways, and offers an alter­na­tive trans­porta­tion option amidst the region’s grow­ing tran­sit net­work.” 

How­ev­er, the project will also dis­place 44 busi­ness­es. Ingle­wood May­or Butts says the city has allo­cat­ed at least $5 mil­lion for their assis­tance.

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