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Extreme Heat Responsible for Growing Death Rates Among Unhoused People

Extreme Heat Responsible for Growing Death Rates Among Unhoused People

extreme heat responsible for growing death rates among unhoused people

Extreme heat waves are for a num­ber of deaths unhoused peo­ple in Los Ange­les, reports Sum­mer Lin in the Los Ange­les Times. “Although the unhoused pop­u­la­tion rep­re­sents about 70,000 of Los Ange­les Coun­ty’s more than 9.8 mil­lion peo­ple, they account­ed for near­ly half — 5 in 12 — of deaths from heat ill­ness or heat expo­sure last year, accord­ing to data from the coro­ner’s office.”

As Lin , “Heat-relat­ed ill­ness and death are “noto­ri­ous­ly” under­count­ed because patients in emer­gency rooms are fre­quent­ly diag­nosed with oth­er med­ical con­di­tions, such as dehy­dra­tion and kid­ney fail­ure, with­out any men­tion of their high tem­per­a­tures and expo­sure to heat, accord­ing to David Eisen­man, a pro­fes­sor spe­cial­iz­ing in cli­mate at the UCLA Field­ing School of Pub­lic Health.”

Lar­ry Kalk­stein, the pres­i­dent of Applied Cli­ma­tol­o­gists, esti­mates that up to 2,000 peo­ple die of heat-relat­ed caus­es year, which would make heat dead­lier than hur­ri­canes, tor­na­does, and snow­storms. num­ber will only as cli­mate change caus­es and more severe heat waves, and unhoused peo­ple face of the high­est risks.

“More than a quar­ter of the lives lost dur­ing heat waves could have been saved if cities imple­ment­ed mea­sures to pro­vide tree canopy, veg­e­ta­tion and reflec­tive mate­ri­als in roof­ing, side­walks and oth­er infra­struc­ture, accord­ing to a March 2022 arti­cle co-writ­ten by [UCLA researcher Edith De Guz­man].” In addi­tion to these mea­sures, cities can make more cool­ing cen­ters avail­able to all res­i­dents, so unhoused peo­ple don’t have to rely on pri­vate busi­ness­es that may be hos­tile to them.

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