Woman was asked for her SAT and ACT test scores in job interview

While apply­ing for jobs, we are often asked for our edu­ca­tion­al back­ground, work expe­ri­ence and strengths. How­ev­er, some­thing unex­pect­ed hap­pened to a woman at a job . A recruiter asked a can­di­date who has been out of col­lege for a decade for her SAT and ACT scores. Tate Morgan—who goes by @tatemmmmmmm on Tik­Tok— dis­cuss­es how she got a on Linkedin in a Tik­Tok video.

The con­ver­sa­tion was usu­al at the begin­ning as the recruiter asked for her CV and Mor­gan said the she would send it at the end of the day. Then came the unusu­al ask, for her score­cards.

Image source: tiktok | @tatemmmmmmm
Image Source: Tik­Tok | @tatemmmmmmm

“I turn 25 next month,” Mor­gan explains. “I took the SAT 10 years ago and the way that they score the SAT now is dif­fer­ent than the way they scored it I took it.” The SAT and the ACT are tests used for the col­lege admis­sion process and schol­ar­ship grants. Many in the U.S. this test to get into col­leges. “I’m sor­ry. How the f*ck?” says Mor­gan. She also men­tions that she has earned a degree from the of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkley, which is a renowned . The U.S. News and World Report has ranked it as the top pub­lic uni­ver­si­ty in the U.S. in 2022. 


Image source: tiktok | @tatemmmmmmm
Image Source: Tik­Tok | @tatemmmmmmm

“When I applied to Berkley, cause I trans­ferred from a com­mu­ni­ty col­lege, they did­n’t even ask me for my f*cking SAT score. What the fuck?” Mor­gan added. This video inter­est­ed many Tik­Tok users and it has gained 66,000 views and hun­dreds of com­ments. Mor­gan also revealed in the com­ments of the post that she did apply for this job and she informed them about the job was of junior lev­el than what she sought and she can­not recall her login info to get her scores now. 


Many peo­ple could relate to Mor­gan in the com­ments sec­tion. @mikebilotto25 com­ment­ed, “I would­n’t even know where to get my ACT or SAT score.” @celloly.co wrote, “This is how I feel when jobs ask for my tran­scripts when I have two mas­ters degrees from like more than a decade ago. I’m like for real? Lmao.” @hellifiknow men­tioned,” This reminds me of a job post­ing I saw where they required a mas­ter’s degree but was only pay­ing $12/hr. the audac­i­ty.”

Image source: tiktok
Image Source: Tik­Tok

@zooliba wrote, “It’s like they are just mak­ing you jump through hoops to see how com­pli­ant you are.” @adaplexy com­ment­ed, “I had an inter­view­er grill me for 30 mins about what geom­e­try I had tak­en in his. I had already grad­u­at­ed with a soft­ware engi­neer­ing degree and tried.” @idkhowtobake wrote, “I’d be like you must be con­fus­ing me with a col­lege intern?!?” @oohlalaitsfrench wrote, “I took the act so long ago I’m sure the results have been delet­ed to make room for the cur­rent test tak­ers.”


The sig­nif­i­cant lev­el of sup­port and the mul­ti­tude of respons­es Mor­gan received serve as a tes­ta­ment to the fact that numer­ous indi­vid­u­als have encoun­tered pecu­liar inter­view sit­u­a­tions at some point in their lives.

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