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Western Conservationists, Tribes File Legal Motion to Defend Public Lands Rule

Western Conservationists, Tribes File Legal Motion to Defend Public Lands Rule

A coali­tion of trib­al, , and envi­ron­men­tal groups filed a motion to help pre­serve the fed­er­al Bureau of ’s pub­lic lands rule after the rule was chal­lenged by states and indus­try groups reluc­tant to give up extrac­tion on fed­er­al lands in sev­er­al law­suits.

Today, rough­ly 90 per­cent of BLM lands are open to oil and gas leas­ing. The pub­lic lands rule, passed ear­li­er year, ele­vates to the same pri­or­i­ty as oth­er uses. Accord­ing to an arti­cle from WildEarth Guardians, “The rule upholds the Bureau’s mis­sion to man­age pub­lic lands for con­ser­va­tion as both the trustee of fed­er­al pub­lic lands for the ben­e­fit of the Amer­i­can peo­ple and the reg­u­la­tor of fed­er­al pub­lic lands uses, accord­ing to WELC experts, eight state attor­neys gen­er­al, and 27 law pro­fes­sors. Valid exist­ing rights to graze, , and drill will not be affect­ed by the rule’s core pro­vi­sions.”

Con­ser­va­tion mech­a­nisms and tools includ­ed in the rule include “increased of Crit­i­cal Envi­ron­men­tal Con­cern des­ig­na­tion, iden­ti­fy­ing and pre­serv­ing intact land­scapes, insti­tut­ing wide­spread land health stan­dards, under­tak­ing restora­tion , and cre­at­ing a new leas­ing pro­gram focused on restora­tion and .”

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