Parents Turn to Ride-Hailing as Schools Pull Bus Transportation

As school dis­tricts cut fund­ing for stu­dent trans­porta­tion, par­ents are increas­ing­ly turn­ing to -hail­ing apps to get their kids to school, reports Jeff McMur­ray for the Asso­ci­at­ed Press. The Chica­go School dis­trict, the fourth largest in the , now only bus ser­vice to and home­less stu­dents, mak­ing only 17,000 of the dis­tric­t’s 325,000 stu­dents eli­gi­ble for rides.

The change is con­cern­ing, as it is like­ly to put far more vehi­cles on road­ways than using school . And some par­ents can afford to arrange alter­nate trans­porta­tion, oth­ers have had to pull their kids out of school. Now, new rideshar­ing ser­vices are to these par­ents, promis­ing stricter back­ground and require­ments for and offer­ing rates low­er than typ­i­cal ride-hail­ing.

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