Opinion: LA Should Reject ‘Misguided’ Car-Centric Policies

In a piece in Streets­blog Los , Wes Reuti­mann argues plans to expand road­ways in Los Ange­les Coun­ty will only exac­er­bate the air qual­i­ty prob­lems the already faces. “Yet Metro and Cal­trans are still for­ward plans to expand high­ways across LA, in a fruit­less effort to ‘relieve con­ges­tion’ once and for all.”

Reuti­mann points out that those plans will dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly affect com­mu­ni­ties along major free­ways that are already some of the nation’s most pol­lut­ed. “Accord­ing to the CA Air Resources Board­’s 2017 Scop­ing Plan, we will nei­ther reach our air qual­i­ty nor our cli­mate goals unless we reduce how much we dri­ve. Sev­en years lat­er we have yet to align our trans­porta­tion spend­ing with sci­ence.”

Reuti­mann that Metro and Cal­trans could make use of exist­ing high­way foot­prints to add tolled or HOV and spend the sav­ings on and mul­ti­modal projects. “Giv­en every­thing we know now, more , dis­place­ment, and destruc­tion can­not still be an option. As L.A. pre­pares to host what’s tout­ed as the green­est Olympic Games yet, the Metro Board should turn the page on this his­to­ry of mis­guid­ed, myopic, and auto-cen­tric trans­porta­tion plan­ning.”

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