Opinion: Ending the EV Tax Credit Would Be “Major Setback” for US Automakers

In a Forbes arti­cle, Andrew Lea­hey explains why elim­i­nat­ing the fed­er­al elec­tric vehi­cle tax would be “a huge mis­take” and “a major set­back for the Amer­i­can auto­mo­tive indus­try.”

Lea­hey explains that the move would only harm U.S. and jobs and allow com­peti­tors to gain mar­ket share. “By elim­i­nat­ing the EV tax cred­it, the admin­is­tra­tion risks pulling the rug out under EV man­u­fac­tur­ers.” It would also lim­it the of “-qual­i­ty, future-focused jobs” in the sec­tor. 

The only automak­er who could to ben­e­fit from the loss of the tax cred­it is Tes­la, while lega­cy car­mak­ers like Ford and small like Riv­ian would suf­fer, to few­er options for buy­ers and less inno­va­tion in the indus­try. For Lea­hey, “If the goal is to fos­ter a robust Amer­i­can EV mar­ket­place, elim­i­nat­ing the cred­it is not the answer.”

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