Historic LA Filming Complex Could Get $1B Makeover

The Los Ange­les City Plan­ning Com­mis­sion expressed for a $1 makeover of the Tele­vi­sion City com­plex in the Fair­fax neigh­bor­hood.

As Steven explains in Urban­ize LA, the pro­pos­al includes revi­sions to a 2021 plan that reduce pro­posed space and lim­it build­ing height made at the request of City Coun­cilmem­ber Katy Yaroslavsky. But the project still faces chal­lenges for full approval. “In addi­tion to con­sid­er­ing requests for a gen­er­al plan amend­ment and a zone to com­plete the project, the City Plan­ning Com­mis­sion was also tasked with review­ing appeals seek­ing to either alter or block con­struc­tion of the project.”

Accord­ing to Sharp, “The pro­posed project would also be accom­pa­nied by an approx­i­mate­ly $6.4 mil­lion pub­lic ben­e­fits pack­age, include funds for a man­age­ment plan, cycling near the site, streetscape improve­ments, upgrades to near­by Pan Park, and afford­able hous­ing in Coun­cil Dis­trict 5.”

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