Erosion Threatens SoCal Road, Lloyd Wright Icon

Coastal ero­sion is caus­ing dan­ger­ous dri­ving con­di­tions on a Cal­i­for­nia road, prompt­ing the Ran­cho Palos Verdes City Coun­cil to issue a ban on two-wheeled vehi­cles on the road­way. “Land move­ment is hap­pen­ing at a rate of 7 to 12 inch­es per week on Palos Verdes South, accord­ing to the city,” reports Michael Hixon in Dai­ly Breeze.

The city’s Works Direc­tor defend­ed the move, say­ing, “Some­times, fis­sures, dips, bumps, oth­er pave­ment irreg­u­lar­i­ties are form­ing, and although four-wheeled vehi­cles can usu­al­ly nav­i­gate , giv­en the warn­ing signs and slow­ing down, the same can­not be said for two-wheeled vehi­cles.”

The two-mile stretch of road in ques­tion includes Lloyd Wright, Jr.‘s icon­ic Way­far­ers Chapel, which is being dis­man­tled and relo­cat­ed to more sol­id ground. “In March, city warned Palos Verdes Dri­ve South, approx­i­mate­ly 16,000 cars dai­ly, might have to be closed to all while work­ers per­formed the regrad­ing or built a detour .”

Local bike advo­cates are urg­ing the city to take oth­er safe­ty mea­sures while allow­ing bicy­clists to con­tin­ue to use the road. “Cars swerv­ing to avoid fis­sures is just as dan­ger­ous, said com­menters, as motor­cy­clists or bicy­clists on the road.”

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