Denver Slaughterhouse Measure Reveals Impacts of Meat Industry

Den­ver vot­ers reject­ed a bal­lot mea­sure that have closed a slaugh­ter­house in the Globeville neigh­bor­hood that process­es 15 to 20 of the total lamb slaugh­ter capac­i­ty in the coun­try.

Accord­ing to research by Jen­nifer Mar­tin, an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of sci­ences at Col­orado State , “Our found that a clo­sure of the Den­ver facil­i­ty would require most of the sheep har­vest­ed there to instead be har­vest­ed in oth­er .” If the mea­sure had passed, it could have had a 2 per­cent impact on live­stock nation­wide. “The effects, which have been observed after clo­sures of meat-pro­cess­ing facil­i­ties in oth­er regions, would have includ­ed few­er sheep pro­duced and a decline in the eco­nom­ic val­ue of live sheep. Addi­tion­al­ly, the clo­sure would have result­ed in a of live­stock employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and a tran­si­tion away from sheep pro­duc­tion oth­er enter­pris­es.”

Mar­tin explains how “The bal­lot mea­sure high­light­ed the com­plex­i­ties of the meat sup­ply chain and the chal­lenges sheep pro­duc­ers face in get­ting lamb meat to con­sumers.” The meat indus­try is glob­al, Mar­tin notes, and “Bal­anc­ing the val­ue of the export mar­ket with imports from oth­er coun­tries under­pins the prof­itabil­i­ty of live­stock and meat pro­duc­ers across the globe.”

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