California Law Extends Response Time for Renters Facing Eviction

A new Cal­i­for­nia law effect Jan­u­ary 1 will offer renters at of evic­tion some respite, reports Feli­cia Mel­lo for CAL­mat­ters.

Researchers esti­mate that rough­ly 40 per­cent of Cal­i­for­nia ten­ants who evic­tion lose their cas­es for not respond­ing quick­ly enough. “The law dou­bles the time ten­ants have to respond after receiv­ing an evic­tion notice from five to ten. Lawyers who work renters say that what may seem like a minor pro­ce­dur­al could a big dif­fer­ence in allow­ing peo­ple to stay in their .”

As Mel­lo explains, “Access to legal ser­vices varies wide­ly across Cal­i­for­nia. San Fran­cis­co guar­an­tees legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion to any ten­ant evic­tion, and in oth­er cities like Oak­land and Los Ange­les, robust net­works of pro-bono lawyers help renters file respons­es. But Cal­i­for­ni­ans who in so-called ‘legal deserts’ – often in rur­al areas – must trav­el many miles to meet with an attor­ney.” Nation­wide, less than 5 per­cent of renters fac­ing evic­tion have legal aid. Mean­while, rough­ly 80 per­cent of land­lords have legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion.

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