Amtrak Expanding Service in California’s Central Valley

Amtrak plans to dou­ble pas­sen­ger rail ser­vice in Stanis­laus , Cal­i­for­nia, thanks in to an $18.7 mil­lion fed­er­al grant, reports John Hol­land in The Modesto. “The mon­ey, announced Oct. 29, go toward sec­ond tracks and board­ing plat­forms at the Modesto and Denair sta­tions. This will allow pas­sen­ger and trains to pass each oth­er delays, said Edward Bar­rera, deputy divi­sion chief for pub­lic affairs at the Cal­i­for­nia Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion.”

Amtrak is also expand­ing the Alta­mont Cor­ri­dor Express, which con­nects the Cen­tral Val­ley and San Fran­cis­co Bay . “The south­ern exten­sion will bring ser­vice to Man­te­ca, Modesto and Ceres as soon as 2026 under the cur­rent time­line. Tur­lock fol­low in 2029 and Liv­ingston and Merced between 2030 and 2033.” Some sta­tions would con­nect to the Cal­i­for­nia High- Rail line, which gained a key approval for the final south­ern seg­ment this sum­mer.

The expan­sion will also include pedes­tri­an and vehi­cle improve­ments such as cross­ing gates, signs, and side­walks.

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