Center-Running Bike Lane Pilot Project Approved on Dangerous S.F. Street

The Munic­i­pal Trans­porta­tion (SFMTA) board approved a con­tro­ver­sial new bike lane project for Valen­cia Street. Accord­ing to an by Gar­rett Leahy, the pilot project would recon­fig­ure the entire street, mov­ing cur­rent bike lanes on either side of the street to a new two-way bike lane in the cen­ter of the street.

The plan is to the bike lane in place for one year, at least, after instal­la­tion.

“Valen­cia Street is among the dan­ger­ous streets in the . It is among the 13% of San Fran­cis­co streets that account for three-quar­ters of all traf­fic deaths and severe crash­es, accord­ing to data from the city’s health depart­ment as part of a ‘High Injury Net­work’ study,” accord­ing to Leahy.

Bike advo­cates in the city, how­ev­er, believe that the cen­ter-run­ning bike lane is dan­ger­ous. “ activist Luke Born­heimer repeat­ed those and said the design cre­ates a “bike high­way” that could dis­cour­age stop­ping or squeeze bicy­clists in between traf­fic, pos­si­bly mak­ing it unsafe for kids and to use,” accord­ing to the arti­cle.

As for why the cen­ter-run­ning bike lane was nec­es­sary, SFMTA offi­cials fold Leahy that space con­straints because of com­mer­cial load­ing and parklets made a side-run­ning bike lane plan unfea­si­ble.

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