2025 Talent Acquisition Predictions and Resolutions Part 1

2025 Talent Acquisition Predictions and Resolutions Part 1Wel­come to 2025 to all of our Job Board Doc­tor friends and fam­i­ly! We are back at it after much time away enjoy­ing time with our kid­dos, fam­i­ly and friends.

To launch our first cal­en­dar year as the New Job Board Doc­tor team, we decid­ed to ask seri­ous indus­try vet­er­ans and up-and-com­ers for their 2025 tal­ent acqui­si­tion pre­dic­tions and res­o­lu­tions.

We got so many respons­es we can not fit them into one post. Let’s do this!

Shel­ley Billinghurst, Hire Val­ue, Inc. 

Shelley Billinghurst, President of Hire ValuePre­dic­tion:

Online traf­fic bro­kers are on the brink of a steep decline. Cor­po­ra­tions are pri­or­i­tiz­ing qual­i­ty over quan­ti­ty it comes to appli­cants and are will­ing to pay for it. AND with the shift in job seek­ers’ behav­ior, led by Gen Z, has made more adept at iden­ti­fy­ing scams and deter­min­ing which job boards are trust­wor­thy. As can­di­dates share their expe­ri­ences open­ly online, niche job boards with a focus on the expe­ri­ence will spark a rev­o­lu­tion. – Shel­ley Billinghurst, Pres­i­dent Hire Val­ue, Inc.

The Louis­es, Job Boards Con­nect

Louise Triance and Louise Grant, Job Boards Connect


We fore­see 2025 bring­ing fur­ther con­sol­i­da­tion in the job board space, dri­ven by increas­ing com­pe­ti­tion and the rapid advance­ments of AI tech and com­pa­nies. This shift is also fueled by the demand for more inte­grat­ed plat­forms that deliv­er bet­ter val­ue and more com­pelling prod­ucts to cus­tomers and job seek­ers. – Louise Grant and Louise Tri­ance, Job Boards Con­nect

Bill Fan­ning, CEO TALK Tal­ent

Bill Fanning, CEO TALK TalentPre­dic­tion:

In 2025, tal­ent acqui­si­tion will see a big­ger shift toward AI and automa­tion, which will help stream­line process­es like can­di­date screen­ing and onboard­ing. I feel com­pa­nies will focus more on diver­si­ty, equi­ty, and inclu­sion, using to reduce bias and build diverse tal­ent pipelines.

Recruit­ing must assess can­di­dates’ abil­i­ty to thrive in vir­tu­al teams and tap into the glob­al tal­ent pool to solve the lack of can­di­date issues with remote and hybrid work grow­ing. Skills-based hir­ing will become more com­mon as employ­ers pri­or­i­tize prac­ti­cal skills over tra­di­tion­al degrees, and resumes are becom­ing point­less.  Final­ly, offer­ing a great can­di­date expe­ri­ence and strong employ­er brand­ing is key to attract­ing top tal­ent. – Bill Fan­ning, CEO TALK Tal­ent

Matt Far­rah, Founder Nurses.co.uk

Matt Farrah Founder Nurses.co.ukPre­dic­tion:

The UK health­care recruit­ment sec­tor will to over­come the two chief chal­lenges it was fac­ing in 2024: severe short­age of tal­ent, and  increased pres­sure on recruit­ment bud­gets. As for recruit­ment agen­cies in healthcare…2025 will be the year where there will be the begin­nings of green shoots after a very time for agen­cies pro­vid­ing both full time and staff to the NHS, health­care and care homes. – Matt Far­rah, Founder Nurses.co.uk

Peter Wed­dle, CEO TAT­e­ch

Peter Weddle CEO TAtechPre­dic­tion:

My unabashed­ly opti­mistic pre­dic­tion for 2025 is that we’ll see a robust labor mar­ket begin­ning in Q1 and that some­one will devel­op an AI-based solu­tion to the AI-caused prob­lem of appli­ca­tion bots to ensure employ­ers use online recruit­ment adver­tis­ing as their core tal­ent acquisi­tion strat­e­gy. – Peter Wed­dle, CEO TAt­e­ch

Shau­na Cole, Pres­i­dent Hire Diverse

Shauna Cole CEO Hire Diverse CanadaRes­o­lu­tion:

Look­ing ahead to 2025, we’ll see which orga­ni­za­tions tru­ly val­ue diver­si­ty and inclu­sion in their recruit­ment efforts. With polit­i­cal shifts across Cana­da and the US, some are step­ping back from DEI. My res­o­lu­tion is to sup­port both employ­ers and job seek­ers who pri­or­i­tize diver­si­ty and inclu­sion, shar­ing insights and fos­ter­ing inclu­sion every step of the way—even if it means chal­leng­ing norms along the way. – Shau­na Cole, Pres­i­dent Hire­Di­verse

Lau­ri Koop, CEO Aimwell

Lauri Koop CEO AimwelPre­dic­tion:

The dis­rup­tion will con­tin­ue. I pre­dict that aggre­ga­tors will con­tin­ue to be chal­lenged in 2025 as we saw that sev­er­al oth­er media types (e.g. Search, Social, etc.) are often able to out­per­form the indus­try work-hors­es Aggre­ga­tors. Accord­ing to staffing indus­try analy­sis the job adver­tis­ing mar­ket declined in ’23 and expec­ta­tion was that this will slow down also in ’24. The biggest drop was for aggre­ga­tors with ‑15% in ’23 (con­tin­ued in ’24) – it is like­ly that Job Adver­tis­ing dol­lars will move part­ly to oth­er chan­nels as those improve with vol­ume + qual­i­ty. Lau­ri Koop, CEO Aimwel

Hell of a way to start the year and this is just part 1!  Next week, you will hear from even more indus­try vets and new voic­es – includ­ing Tim Sack­ett, Rhea Moss, Lau­ra Wil­son, Mar­tin Lenz and many more.

Got a pre­dic­tion or a res­o­lu­tion you want to share? Tell me!

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